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How Structured Cabling Helps Prepare for Emerging Technologies

A corporate network stays most efficient with structured cabling.

Orlando Businesses Use Structured Cabling to Keep Up with the Competition

As technology innovations evolve, the foundational elements and supportive structures surrounding them must also change to keep up. A critical component in this IT ecosystem is structured cabling. Sometimes overlooked, structured cabling is essentially the backbone of businesses’ IT strategy and can make or break your ability to integrate and use new technologies at work. 

Continue reading to learn how structured cabling can support critical business functions in your Orlando, FL, organization to keep up with competition and support emerging technologies.

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Structured Cabling and High-speed Internet

Your business is likely no stranger to the demands for high-speed internet. Every business can benefit from a faster connection, whether a nimble startup or an established corporation. Structured cabling has an organized and efficient design that ensures seamless and speedy data transmission, meeting today's high demands. This need becomes increasingly evident when you integrate technologies that rely on real-time information, such as video conferencing or processing online transactions. Not meeting these demands could put you on the outside looking in as market competition increases.

Cloud Computing and Data Centers

More and more businesses are migrating to cloud-based solutions for faster access to information and more efficient processing. A well-designed structured cabling system will guarantee efficient data flow between servers, storage, and other devices. A benefit of this is less frequent downtime, which is crucial for businesses that rely on access to cloud services for daily operations.

Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

Taking your business into the future may require smart devices, connected and ready for action at a moment’s notice. From smart thermostats that deliver better energy efficiency, to advanced security systems with AI-driven insights, IoT devices are gradually making their way into the everyday business landscape. These devices require a reliable network infrastructure. Structured cabling can help ensure that IoT devices are consistently connected to maintain the best levels of performance.

Businesses Need Structured Cabling

As industries rely on technology and innovation to fuel their growth, staying ahead of the curve in these areas is critical to remain competitive. To do this, your business needs an infrastructure that can handle the demands of tomorrow.

While some may consider structured cabling to be just wires and connectors, the experts at Pinnacle AV know it’s much more. Understanding and leveraging the benefits of structured cabling can be the difference between lagging behind or leading the industry for your Orlando, FL, business. Technology is only as good as its foundation, and when it comes to structured cabling, leaning on the experts is the best way to go. Contact us today to learn how structured cabling could empower your business to prepare for a future of innovation.

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